Uncharted Aptitude is established to present new charts to the world through its projects, by connecting unknown talents.
The company is driven by brothers, Dai and Shingo Inoue, who share same values but have different backgrounds.
Dai studied and is running his own aerospace industry related trading company in Southern California. He gained extensive experiences in business operation as well as nourished networks in fashion industry through his passion both in Hollywood and Tokyo.
Shingo had his first career in the field of corporate finance in Tokyo, then moved to Milan to study Interior Design. During the time in Milan, he gained a global network, especially in Italy and Scandinavian countries. After returning to Tokyo, he engaged in corporate branding consultancy before staring Uncharted Aptitude.
Uncharted Aptitude doesn’t limit itself as a multi disciplinary design studio, interior / graphic / product design but engages in producing own fashion brand, business related consulting.
Uncharted Aptitude gathers necessary talents in order to answer the unique challenges of each project.
Uncharted Aptitudeは、点として存在している未知の才能を線として繋ぎ合わせ、プロジェクトを実現していく事で新しい地図を描いていく事を、目指しています。
「Uncharted Aptitude - 地図にない才能」という社名にこの想いをこめています。
Uncharted Aptitudeは井上大輔・真吾の兄弟により設立されました。兄弟は、共通の価値観を持ちながらも、異なる道を歩んできました。
Uncharted Aptitudeは、総合デザイン会社(インテリア、グラフィック、プロダクト)の枠に留まらず、自社ファッションブランドのプロデュース、経営関連のコンサルティングにも従事しています。
Uncharted Aptitudeは、各プロジェクトの個別の課題に対して、最適な才能を集め解決に取り組んでいきます。